Building a Surplus of Trust: What I Learned From Civilized Caveman [VIDEO]

At the conference Natchcom DocuKnowledge interviewed keynote speaker George Bryant, Digital Strategist and CEO of Civilized Caveman. George "helps businesses outperform by leveraging organic customer relationships built on kindness, compassion, honesty, trust, and giving" and offers anyone producing content today sound advice for humanizing their brand and messaging:

  • "The greatest achievement is letting the reader believe marketing doesn't exist."
  • "People get to feel valued whether they give us their credit card or not."
  • "Our job is NOT to make people click, it's to make them care."

George's key strategy is making "social deposits" into the "bank of reciprocity." His recommended rule-of-thumb is giving value five times before asking for something on social media, video, email and in-person. Giving before asking, George suggest, is the key to building a surplus of trust and quality relationships for anyone interacting with your brand. Amidst the bombardment of "share this!" and "sign up for our mailing list!" in today's fiercely competitive attention economy, George offers a refreshing and effective strategy for reaching your audience authentically.

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